When I start my young
animals in wraps I am always sure to give them a tasty treat to chew on
when I put them back in their cage. This distracts them from the
wraps for a while and gives them time to get used to them.
Youngsters are started with just the two rump wraps until they are used
to them. I begin wrapping when the hair starts to get tangled or
dirty - generally around age four months.
Here is Minute Man
all wrapped up for another day. It generally takes me about 10
minutes to fully groom a senior animal in six wraps.
Intermediates take around five minutes or so.

The grooming time is
when you are training your animals for the shows. Remember,
senior long hairs MUST be presented on a regulation showboard for
judging and they need to sit still. It is very difficult for the
judge to get a good picture of your animal if it is jumping all over
on the board. Practice is essential!
I wish you the best
of luck in the exciting world of showing long hair cavies. They
are a beauty to behold and in my opinion at least well worth the time
and effort it takes to bring one to the judging table in all its
glory. I have never been to a show where I didn't have at least
three or four people come over and ask questions about these gorgeous
animals. It is a great opportunity to share our wonderful cavies
with the public.
Once again - Thanks
Tracy for sharing this awesome cavy with me! He is a true
joy and a perfect gentleman.